Saturday, February 26, 2011


I'm gonna complain for a sec and then I'll get to the good part of my day. :)

MY NOSE IS STUFFED UP! I can't breath! But it was fine last night. Then today I cleaned the bathroom...ew ... This has definitely been a boring day... Other than bus church. :)

Bus church was great today. I help hand out tickets to the kids whenever they answer questions or sing like they're supposed to. They take the tickets and then they can buy candy with them. I love the happy looks on their faces whenever I hand one to them. :) I'm also a prayer captain in the teen class, which means that I have a group of girls that I take up prayer requests and praises with, then pray with. It's always fun to talk to them and we have a pretty good time together.

Mrs. Becca had an interesting lesson for the teens today... :) She separated the boys and the girls to their own tables and then gave us a puzzle to do. Everyone had to work together to put the puzzle together. Basically the lesson was about how our spiritual lives are like a puzzle. To complete the puzzle we have to have all the pieces to make a good christian life. But most importantly we have to make sure God is in His spot.

Going to church in the morning. I can't wait. I always have a good time at church. And Yes. It IS possible to have a good time in church. :)


  1. Aww I am so glad you got it Girl! Some of the others didn't get the deeper meaning, but hopefully it will stick and they will think about it more then just the fun of putting a puzzle together.
    Love ya!

  2. Thats right hannah! We can still serve the lord and Be happy and not ashamed, "We have missed out on the heartaches"!!

  3. Mrs. Becca: I really enjoyed the lesson. It was a very good example. :)

    Cj: Yes, We HAVE!:)


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